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Jews Who Murder Gentile Babies - How They Use the Blood
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Jewish Ritual Murder Infantcide Oprah Winfrey Oprah Show Talmud Satanism Satanic Child Sacrifice Kabbalah Chassidic Hassidic Chabad Lubavitch Jews Judaism Jewish
2008-08-12 04:55:21 GMT
CuriousGeorge Trusted

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and How These Jews Use the Babies’ Blood

Printed by the order of the Minister
of Domestic Affairs




Владимир Иванович Даль
Dr. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal,
Author of Russia’s famous
Dal Living Dictionary


Jewish writers and others who changed their faith	
Previous cases of villainous Jewish mutilation	
The Velizh case	


After V.I.Dal’s introduction and review of literature on the question about the usage of Christian blood by Jews (pages 1-40), he passes to the “counting of occurred cases of villainous mutilation by Jews and to the examination of the most important cases, or, at least, the most memorable cases to us because of them being reliable--taken from real court cases, with some information obtained from different books written about this subject (see pages 40-86). In chronological order, he informs the reader of many such events, tracing them back as early as the IV century and continuing onward: In the IV century, there was at least 1 recorded case, V century – 1, VII century – 1, IX century – 3, XII century – 11, XIII century – 10, XIV century – 5, XV century – 12, XVI century – 24, XVII century – 39, XVIII century – 7, XIX century (when this book was published, in 1844) – 20.  In total, he mentions 134 cases.  Then, he passes to an examination of the Velizh case, one of the more famous cases in Russia: “For positive confirmation that an accusation of Jewish ritual murder is not simply slander or fiction, and that not one torture of the Middle Ages extorted from Jews this horrible acknowledgement, it is necessary to examine in more detail one of the better-known and well-documented cases of such.  For example, the Velizh case was started on April 24, 1823 by the Velizh city police, and finished on January 18, 1835, a 12-year investigation in common meeting of State Council.”

The examination of this case occupies almost 60 pages of this book in its original format. On the last few pages, V.I.Dal concludes: 

“I examined the entire number of horrible events, which are proved judiciously throughout history.  The accusation that Jews painfully murder Gentile babies around Easter time is impossible to discount as if a mere ghost story and superstition, and it is necessary to be convinced that this accusation is indeed reasonable.  There is a common opinion as to the Jews’ usage of these martyrs’ blood for some type of mysterious magical rites….  Of course, no intelligent person will dispute that in countries where Jews are tolerated, from time to time, the corpses of babies were discovered—almost always found in the same distorted condition or, at the least, showing that they suffered a similar violent death….  It is not just murder but, rather, the premeditated painful torture of innocent babies, committed by those who enjoy these torments for the special reasons associated with them….  From whence are these corpses of innocent children, intentionally distorted in the same manner?  Why are these corpses only discovered in areas where the Jews reside?  And, finally, why do these cases, almost exclusively, occur around Easter time?  The religious ceremony that results in mutilation does not occur among all Jews but, rather, without any doubt, only among the smallest portion of them: It exists only in the sect of the Hasidic Jews, a sect with the most persistent fanaticism, who acknowledge only Talmudic and Rabbinical books and renounce the Old Testament; but this is their big secret, perhaps, since not all of their brethren know about it and, of course, not all of the Hasidic Jews participate in it.

“There is not, however, any doubt that it has occurred since the time of Christianity spreading.  And, from time to time, Jewish fanatics and cabalistic wizards appear who, having this double purpose, engage in the painful killing of a Gentile baby and use his blood for mystical and religious purposes in an effort to create magic.  Since the Middle Ages, Poland and our western provinces served as shelter for this inveterate and ignorant Jewish society; and now those areas represent the largest number of examples of such mutilations, especially the Vitebsk province where the Hasidic sect has significantly spread.”


V.I. Dal’s “Searching” is reprinted below according to the copy of V.M.Ostroglazov’s collection; moreover, in the remarks, the discrepancies with second edition of it – “Information” of Scripitsin – are noted.

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What the f*** is this shit? Anti-semitic, racist bullsh*t from some f*ckwad dipsh*t who couldn't graduate high school.

This torrent has no place on TPB. Please remove it immediately.
since it was apparently written by a doctor, i'd love to see how he was "some f*ckwad dipsh*t who couldn't graduate high school"; i guess they must have higher standards in yanksville than in russia.
Chill out. This is a book from the year 1844!!! It is a history document on which several pogroms were run. So, if you are not a historian or not interested in history - do not download.
not really, Russia, much like a lot of the world at that time, was an anti-semetic country, this was just the norm. it also was apparently not published widely (10 copies) and was an internal document for the Russian ministry, which doesn't sound like a document used to propagate anti-semitism. it was also a report on recent child murders that took place in western parts of Russia.

and seriously, childishly insulting Islam, please. are you twelve?
Oh, fuck Islam.
My dear TalmudTimmy! I really hope you don't believe this yourself. In that case I would have contacted some brain-doctor as soon as possible. This is just worth one thing: The biggest L * M * A * O !!!!!!! ever heard on Internet. Please, for your own sake, stop posting this completely idiotic stuff!
Extravagant claims require extravagant evidence. Let's hope the book has some backing to the claims. (In fact I hope it doesn't cause the alternative is much worse.)

Anyway, funny how discussing anything with jews always stirs up emotions. If we made some claims that Colombians test cocaine on babies, we just go.....huh? we'll maybe.
But mention the word jew.........
This is still taking place even in modern times.

over 100.000 missing children in the USA per year, where do they go?

Jews still practice this ocult rituals and israel is one of the main sacrifice sites where thousands of kidnapped christian children mainly from eastern Europe are murdered for the enjoyment of the jews.

If you don´t believe me, easly google "talmud" read what the jews holy book is all about!!

They dont consider us non-jews as humans, therefore killing a christian child is no different from killing a chicken.

spread the word and save our children!
This shit is old. The anti-Semitics have been using this claim since the holocaust. Some people need to give the Jews a break, so what if they are better at business then you!

Plus it's not that hard to pick on them as a whole. Just look at the fascist fuckup that is Israel.
Oh, this is so beautiful!

We find Satan everywhere, and he is ugly, abominable, he is at the very extremety of what we perceive as 'bad', which is based on what we've been taught to believe in childhood. Evil Jews who massacre Christian babies (this is old bull, from medieval times, actually), malicious Muslims, crazy fanatic Christians, fascists.... hell, yeah Israel has fascistic tendencies (I live in it, I should know), but so do the US, Britain, Russia, France, and almost any other country at some point in history.

Just accept that we're neither good not bad, but we'd all just LOOOOVE to see someone else's blood spilled, be it even in the name of world peace.

We need to hate and lay blame, because we are unfulfilled, crippled, there is too much of us on this crowded little earth.

Civilization sucks. But what can you do?
It's... rather odd that doesn't have this one. Or at least, it doesn't show up easily or with an Alltheweb search of " Jews easter babies". I admit I didn't put much time into searching, so if anyone could point out the page - or at least please notify Snopes that they really need to cover this topic. I trust their research a lot more than I trust these sorts of rumors.

Besides which: God got rid of human sacrifice back with Abraham and Isaac (first book of the Bible!). If anyone is still trying to use human sacrifice to appease Him, they're so far outside the Judeochristian framework that calling them "Jew" is a ridiculous inaccuracy.
ballsy upload... and im no racist... jews howewer need to get straight about their fuckin state (of mind and soil) You cant act in any old way, then expect everyone to sanction it because of the holocaust... fuck that hippocritic bullshit!! and of course this book is bullshit too but... ballsy upload non the less... made me laugh actually as do all things "forbidden"
Why there are allways some idiots who is trying to protect jews? Jews are the scum of the world. Thousends of years ago they have come with ideology saying that jews are more than other people. Something I find very rasist. They still preach that ideology and it is not forbidden. Why should then be forbidden any book saying something else? Even if they never sacrificed any christian children, and I believe they did annd still do, look at the world - how many people in history died because of their belief? And because of christianity? And Islam? Those two are just extract of the same shit. If all the jews died in the holocaust, it was still not enough to pay for all the deaths they have caused. So if you are jew and don't like books like this, go and kill your rabbi! If there will be no reason, there will be also no books like this! ...same for christians and buttlifters!
I'm not even going to download and read this book, but it must stay here for those who would like to.

Fuck the religion! Viva la internet!
Spread the word and save our chickens!
Fuck this garbage, and fuck everyone speaking in support of it in the comments. What a pathetic bunch of idiots.

"villainous Jewish mutilation"

If you racist fools weren't so dangerously stupid, this would almost be funny. Almost.
I bet the Jews are responsible for this!
Hear it from a Jew, this sh!t is from real Jews.
youtube /l0w4mdM1kuc
I've never considered myself an Anti-Semite and I'm not the kind of person you would label a hater.
youtube /b0dEpI-ufi8 the long version
talmud timmy the nazi
all you can do is blog
nazis were always cowardly pack fighters

but guess what, jews have the guns now timmy and be sure, we know how and do use them. thats why little cowards like you choose places with no rules to post their lies but never get close to israel.

because youre a chickenshit

You all got it wrong, what they are really saying is that jews must be vampires who need the blood of christian babies in order to survive, there is a good reason, it is not just blood lust...

When some retards write or post books saying things that not even Hitler himself mentioned in Mein Kampf, then straight jackets are mandatory.