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The God Delusion
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god delusion richard dawkins god
2009-03-01 02:06:17 GMT

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In The God Delusion, Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that belief in a personal god qualifies as a delusion, which he defines as a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence. He is sympathetic to Robert Pirsig's observation in Lila that "when one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."


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Dawkins will change his mind instantly after he dies . Although i suspect it may be worse , i suspect that he knows full well that God exists but he chooses to serve Satan like most Masons , Illuminati and all this kind of filth .

Infinite Indefinite , I like the picture on the cover of the filth you linked . How ironic that you will get exactly that in Hell , except that there will be no priest there to offer you a final chance for salvation but a devil .

He who fights by my side shall be my brother !
He who serves Christ is my Brother !
Dawkins is a scientist. (;
Furry Hamster, I hope you realize that you are in fact going to hell (since you believe it exists). You're an inconsiderate ass hole that pushes their beliefs and condemns people to hell for not sharing your common bullshit belief. From what I've learned it's god's (I don't feel it deserves to be capitalized) decision who is condemned, so why don't you just fuck off. But in actuality when you die, you will be buried with nobody at your funeral but me, and when they lower you into the ground I will piss and defecate on your grave sight, burn a bible, and for good measure puke up some "holy" water onto your grave site. Enjoy you ignorant bastard.
To JustSomeHereticalFilth

You are the one who is going to hell , i think i have explained that to you quite clearly . Inconsiderate ? Repent and you will be my brother , until then you are an enemy and filth and i will treat you like one . I am not condemning you to hell , your unbelief is .

I see you have quite some talent for fantasy there ! Dream On all you like , i am young and i have many days left ahead of me . I will not fuck off and i will continue to spite you .
You can fantasize all you want , besides from proving that you are indeed a depraved peace of crap as i have though , but in the end i will be in Heaven and you will rot in Hell .
The Devil will defecate on you repeatedly and you deserve it .

Go die Apostate .
I would go to hell, but quite frankly it doesn't exist. You have no proof it exists. Just because a stupid fucking book says so doesn't make it true. The only thing this world has to offer is matter and molecules. Hell is an idea, with no physical substance, therefore it does not exist. So why don't you take your stupid fucking ideas and stick it you bible thumping faggot.
I am not a fag and i don't think you are one either , i call you stuff like that because you are an enemy of God .

Why man , why ? Why would you like to suffer when hope , love , immortality , anything you can imagine is just so close . Why not take God's hand ? Is free . Even if i may be a very bad person ( i am not but let us assume that i am ) , God is still good , and if you believe and fallow you will be rewarded . Curse me all you want but don't take it on him .

Read the Good book , believe , pray and he will put it in your heart to have all the prof that you need . He did so with me .

True this world is matter and all that but there si so much more to it . Don't turn a blind eye towards his grace . He does not want you to suffer , he want you to be happy . If you obey him he will grant you happiness and eventually you will travel to realms beyond our own . Why not chose to believe him and experience the great wonders that lie beyond death 's treshhold ?

Hell is quite complicated and i m by no means an expert , all i can say for sure is that is a horrible place . It was not meant for humans but due to our sins we may end up there as well . You said hell is an ideas , it is even is a feeling , like the one that you have . The hopelessness and excess that comes because you believe this life is all there is .

They are not my ideas unless you claim that i wrote the Bible . I did not . All i do is tell you what the book sais . Read for yourself if you think i am a shit and a lier .

Repent and you will get life eternal .
You'll leave me alone? Damn... I was enjoying the entertainment this confrontation has brought me.

I love how you openly admitted to agreeing with my basic beliefs about religion and how it manipulates people. How it's no different than communism and supports lack of open thought and individuality.

"Not a good idea to be open minded , it implies insecurity in ones beliefs and lives you open an vulnerable"

This sounds exactly like what communist nations preach to their people in order to manipulate and control the masses.

And once again

"Don't start by pondering complex notions like his nature and why things work in a certain way that it does not make sense to you . Start with simple lecture and obedience to simple rules"

You're preaching lack of free thought here. You want everyone to become corrupted with the lies of christianity and never question anything. You want people to give up what makes them human - the ability to question and seek answers. In essence, you want people to be like a fucking ape! What a fucking hypocrite! Your idea of humanity is strict obedience to a pre-laid out plan with no deviation for free thought or quest for answers in life. Sounds like a step in the wrong direction to me.

Through your ramblings in the last post you have done nothing more than prove you are an ignorant fuck corrupted by the filth of the bible.
I didn't change my beliefs. I don't have problems with christians, just ass holes like you. There is a difference. You don't have a legitimate scale of relativity for your statements because saying what "god wants" is a fucking cop-out. You base all of your logic on a fucking made-up book. Go watch jesus and his followers fuck each other in the ass you lame fuck.

How many times do I have to tell you HELL DOES NOT EXIST. I hope you realize the old versions of the bible did not make hell out to be a place of suffering. Only in the newer versions was this idea added in. I don't think god would have to amend his writings, so the newer translations must be bullshit written by filth like yourself to control people.

Go shove a bible up your as you cum-guzzling faggot.
Yes i do have a fully legitimate scale of reference , the fact that you do no accept it is meaningless . Too bad you have problems with me , since i love Pirate Bay i will not be going anywhere .

Hell exists and you will get there . New versions of the Bible written by fags like you take out hell , not the old ones . Check the link i gave you faggot , you will find hell there . Or better still just go die and find out .

Your fag fantasies are becoming more and more prevalent . You must really enjoy been one ! I think you may be in denial .
One mention of the word God and all the wackos come out of the woodwork. Amazing.
So all u pathedic people who are mental ill n delusional.
If there supposibly is a god, why dont u committ suicide n come back to us folks who are not blind deaf n dumb n fooled by relious dogma, who is in fact specific humans thruout history self inested interests to dominate others thru fear n lies, for their own benifits, be they financial, power over others as in the church n those within the state/federal who use region n the god arguement to satisfy their own ends such as war pitting one group of religious idiots (their own ) another another group of religious idiots or as Frank Zappa so humorously put it,
If god is dumb then humans are dumb n een a little ugly on the side (minus those, I add who are honestly deeply mutually respecting of each other n all forms of life people who think n act for themseles.) Personal spirituality is great as long as no one inflicts it upon anyone else.
Religion is criminal n insane.

I'm not going to say your religion is stupid, but I'm going to say that YOU are stupid.

Mindless sheeps...
Hebrews 13:5

I just wanted to point something out to Furry Hamster. First of all if you're so religious then WHY ARE YOU ON A PIRATING SITE!?!?!!?! This is an illegal site and your god would probably condemn you are that because he hates everyone. Second of all I'm deist so I do in fact think there is something up there but I would rather go to hell than be in the presence of your so called father. Your god is a complete dick that sends people to hell for no reason. I mean look at what you all think about gays. God makes them gay so that he can just send them to hell? Yeah fuck him. The being I believe in accepts you for being good and I don't appreciate filth like you thinking that you understand god's will. When you die then you'll find out what really happens (like Satan butt raping you for eternity). By the way you do realize that you're going COMPLETELY against Jesus' message right? (I didn't feel like reading your entire rant so I don't know about your Jesus belief) but he was completely about love and accepting others. I think that if according to YOUR beliefs, Jesus (who I don't believe to be holy or come back to life) forgave someone for KILLING HIM then you can suck it up and keep your shit to yourself and let others live the way they want to live.
I wanted to see comments on how the download is. Instead, I see a religious argument. I hope you realize that if you disagree with what this book is about, you don't have to look up the torrent.
This is a PDF by the way. vvvvvvvvvvirtualhead put it well: "I wanted to see comments on how the download is. Instead, I see a religious argument. I hope you realize that if you disagree with what this book is about, you don't have to look up the torrent."
Furry hamster is a dumb ass.If God is a moral being who care for people then surely he would send Dawkins to heavin many times over before even considering you.And if god is how you would describe him in your "Holy" book then he does not derserve to be worshipped and satan rebeling against God would surely show he has humanitys intrest closer at heart the yahway. the product is good however.
@proselytizing idiots: Jesus Babyfucking Christ. Shut up, and go crawl back under whatever rock you came out from, you unevolved piece of Middle Ages stupid. Also, learn how to spell. Calling someone a "lier" just makes your argument weaker. Not that it needed any help.

Sorry. Had to get that off my chest.

@people looking for info on the actual book: It appears to me to be intact; I have not yet read it, but there's a slight page numbering discrepancy that appears to derive from dropping blank pages between chapters, and there are some garbled page headers (the "Chapter Title" at the top of any given page) but it seems that the text itself is intact. Again, I have not yet read it, just tore through looking for glaring problems, so don't yell at me if you find a broken page in the middle of the book or something like that. ;-)
Furry Hamster, go masturbate elsewhere...
Guise stahp! Let me quote my favorite bible passage so we can all get along... Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."